article_no_title = 'No title'; article_not_exist = 'Post doesn\'t exist.'; article_permission_denied = 'You don\'t have access permission to read this post.'; autosave_article = '(This is an autosaved draft.)'; blog_article_author = 'Published by:'; blog_article_draft = '(This article is a draft.)'; blog_article_read_all = 'Read All'; blog_sticky_article = 'Article to show on the top'; blog_str_article_delete = 'Delete post'; blog_str_article_delete_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?'; blog_str_article_delete_info = 'Deleting this post will also delete its comments.'; blog_str_article_new_label_name = 'Enter the new label'; blog_str_comment_delete = 'Delete comment'; blog_str_comment_delete_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?'; blog_str_delete_all_autosave = 'Delete all'; blog_str_delete_all_autosave_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete all autosaved drafts?'; blog_str_list_autosave = 'Autosaved drafts'; blog_str_list_date = 'All posts on {0}'; blog_str_list_draft = 'Drafts'; blog_str_list_label = 'All posts with label {0}'; blog_str_list_no_label = 'All posts without a label'; default_wallpaper = 'Default Wallpaper'; passwd_hint = 'Hint'; photo_article_need_passwd = 'This is a private post. Enter the access key to read it.'; photo_enable_warning = 'You can now upload photos to your "photo" shared folder. For faster speed, we recommend uploading photos and videos with the desktop tool Photo Station Uploader.'; photo_face_recognition_do_all = 'Find people for all photos'; photo_face_recognition_stop_all = 'Stop finding people for all photos'; photo_fb_auth_allow_btn = 'Connect with Facebook'; photo_fb_auth_not_yet = 'Not authorized'; photo_fb_auth_ok = 'is authorized'; photo_fb_auth_status = 'Status'; photo_fb_auth_status_descr = 'Facebook Authorization'; photo_fb_auth_use_other_account = 'Use another account'; photo_login = 'Sign in'; photo_login_disabled = 'Your account has been disabled. Please contact the administrator.'; photo_login_failed = 'Your username or password is invalid. Please try again.'; photo_login_hint = 'Please enter your username and password to sign in.'; photo_login_noprivilege = 'You are not authorized to use this service.'; photo_login_not_found = 'The account you entered does not exist.'; photo_logout = 'Sign out'; photo_management_title = 'Synology Photo Station 6 Settings'; photo_mobile_Desktop = 'Desktop'; photo_mobile_Load_More = 'Load More'; photo_mobile_Login = 'Login'; photo_mobile_Logout = 'Logout'; photo_mobile_Next = 'Next'; photo_mobile_Photo_Albums = 'Photo Albums'; photo_mobile_Prev = 'Prev'; photo_password = 'Password'; photo_permission_denied = 'You have no permission to access this album.'; photo_permission_denied_upload = 'You have no permission to upload files to this album.'; photo_str_about = 'About'; photo_str_access = 'Photos'; photo_str_account_existed = 'This username is used by others.'; photo_str_account_list = 'Account List'; photo_str_action = 'Action'; photo_str_add = 'Add'; photo_str_add_description = 'Add description'; photo_str_add_general_label = 'Descriptive tag'; photo_str_add_label = 'Tag'; photo_str_add_person_label = 'People tag'; photo_str_add_place_label = 'Geotag'; photo_str_add_success = 'User was successfully added.'; photo_str_add_title = 'Add title'; photo_str_admin = 'Administrator'; photo_str_admin_area = 'Admin Area'; photo_str_album_add_general_label = 'Add descriptive tag'; photo_str_album_add_gps_label = 'Add geotag'; photo_str_album_delete_general_label = 'Remove descriptive tag'; photo_str_album_delete_gps_label = 'Remove geotag'; photo_str_album_edit_desc_label = 'Edit general tags'; photo_str_album_edit_gps_label = 'Edit location tags'; photo_str_album_link = 'Grab the link'; photo_str_album_name_on_fb = 'Please name the synced Facebook album.'; photo_str_album_permission_message = 'This action will clear the original permissions applied to the album. Are you sure you want to continue?'; photo_str_album_property = 'Album info and privacy'; photo_str_album_update_success = 'Album access right was successfully updated.'; photo_str_albums = 'album(s)'; photo_str_all_album = 'All Non-Public Albums'; photo_str_all_draft = 'Draft'; photo_str_all_videos = 'All videos'; photo_str_allow_comment_for_new = 'Allow guests to leave comments on new albums'; photo_str_allow_face_recognition = 'Enable face recognition'; photo_str_allow_guest_share = 'Allow guests to share links on social networking websites'; photo_str_allow_user_share = 'Allow users to share links on and upload photos or videos to social networking websites'; photo_str_alluser = 'All Users'; photo_str_ap_display_name = 'Photo Station'; photo_str_ap_name = 'Photo Station 5'; photo_str_ap_name_6 = 'Photo Station 6'; photo_str_arrange_album_order = 'Reorder Albums'; photo_str_arrange_album_order_desc = 'Please drag and drop the albums to rearrange their order.'; photo_str_arrange_album_order_link = 'Reorder Albums'; photo_str_arrange_album_order_save = 'Save'; photo_str_article_abstract = 'Abstract'; photo_str_article_auto_save_draft = 'Draft autosaved at {0}. ({1} minutes ago)'; photo_str_article_collection_title = 'Blog Archives'; photo_str_article_config = 'Settings'; photo_str_article_date = 'Date'; photo_str_article_edit = 'Edit post'; photo_str_article_edit_access_key = 'Access key'; photo_str_article_edit_access_key_hint = 'Hint for access key'; photo_str_article_edit_access_key_invalid = 'Please enter an access key.'; photo_str_article_edit_allow_comment = 'Allow comments'; photo_str_article_edit_content_empty = 'Please enter content.'; photo_str_article_edit_content_invalid = 'The content is too long. The maximum of characters is 40960.'; photo_str_article_edit_label_add_new = 'New label'; photo_str_article_edit_label_apply = 'Apply label'; photo_str_article_edit_label_delete = 'Remove label'; photo_str_article_edit_privilege = 'Reading Permissions'; photo_str_article_edit_reader = 'Readers'; photo_str_article_edit_show_abstract = 'Show abstract when article is on main page'; photo_str_article_label_action_field = 'Label actions'; photo_str_article_label_invalid = 'Invalid label name.'; photo_str_article_privilege_admin = 'Only administrators'; photo_str_article_privilege_passwd = 'Only people with the access key'; photo_str_article_privilege_public = 'Anybody'; photo_str_article_privilege_user = 'Signed in users'; photo_str_article_publish = 'Publish'; photo_str_article_save_draft = 'Save as Draft'; photo_str_auth = 'Authorization'; photo_str_autosave_interval = 'Autosave interval'; photo_str_back = 'Back'; photo_str_backup = 'Backup'; photo_str_backup_desc = 'Back up blog posts, comments, labels, and module settings to a backup file.'; photo_str_backup_plz_wait = 'System is now backing up or restoring system configurations. Please try again later.'; photo_str_banner_content = 'Blog Banner'; photo_str_blog = 'Blog'; photo_str_blog_article_num = 'Number of posts on the main page'; photo_str_blog_article_num_desc = 'Select the number of posts you want to show on the first page.'; photo_str_blog_backup = 'Back up blog'; photo_str_blog_banner = 'Blog Banner'; photo_str_blog_module_inused = 'Modules in use'; photo_str_blog_module_unused = 'Modules not in use'; photo_str_blog_page_title = 'Blog title'; photo_str_blog_restore_alert = 'Restore process will merge the data in current database with the backup file. Are you sure you want to continue?'; photo_str_blog_restore_overwrite = 'Overwrite the current data'; photo_str_blog_restore_skip = 'Skip and reserve the current data'; photo_str_boolNo = 'No'; photo_str_boolYes = 'Yes'; photo_str_browse_album = 'Browse Album'; photo_str_btnApply = 'Apply'; photo_str_btnBrowse = 'Browse'; photo_str_btnCancel = 'Cancel'; photo_str_btnClear = 'Clear'; photo_str_btnClearAll = 'Clear All'; photo_str_btnClose = 'Close'; photo_str_btnDownload = 'Download'; photo_str_btnOK = 'OK'; photo_str_btnPreview = 'Preview'; photo_str_btnReset = 'Reset'; photo_str_btnUpload = 'Upload'; photo_str_btn_add = 'Add >>'; photo_str_btn_del = '<< Remove'; photo_str_btn_send = 'Post'; photo_str_calendar_title = 'Calendar'; photo_str_canceling = 'Canceling'; photo_str_category_about_me = 'About Me'; photo_str_category_add_tip = 'Add category'; photo_str_category_albums = 'Albums'; photo_str_category_smart_albums = 'Smart Albums'; photo_str_click_browse = 'Click "{0}" to select files.'; photo_str_click_confirm_label = 'Click to confirm this tag'; photo_str_click_get_origin = 'Full Size'; photo_str_click_get_video = 'Download'; photo_str_comment = 'Comments'; photo_str_comment_add = 'Add Comments'; photo_str_comment_allow_guest = 'Allow guests to comment on albums'; photo_str_comment_allow_user = 'Allow users to comment on albums'; photo_str_comment_email = 'E-mail'; photo_str_comment_email_err = 'Please enter a valid e-mail address.'; photo_str_comment_err = 'Please enter your comments.'; photo_str_comment_from = 'From'; photo_str_comment_hide = 'Hide comments'; photo_str_comment_len_err = 'Comment allows up to 1000 characters'; photo_str_comment_magic_num = 'Verification number'; photo_str_comment_magic_num_err = 'Verification failed. Please try again.'; photo_str_comment_magic_num_len_err = 'Please enter the verification number.'; photo_str_comment_mail = 'Email'; photo_str_comment_name = 'Name'; photo_str_comment_name_err = 'Please enter your name.'; photo_str_comment_no_entry = 'There is no comment.'; photo_str_comment_show = 'Show comments'; photo_str_common_error = 'Error'; photo_str_common_noconfig_short = 'Setup unavailable'; photo_str_common_processing = 'Processing. Please wait...'; photo_str_common_session_timeout = 'Changes are not saved because the connection has expired or you\'ve been signed out. Please sign in and set up again.'; photo_str_common_setting_saved = 'Changes were saved.'; photo_str_confirm = 'Confirm'; photo_str_confirm_all_face = 'Confirm all people tags'; photo_str_confirm_del = 'Are you sure you want to delete this user?'; photo_str_confirm_del_comment = 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?'; photo_str_confirm_del_token = 'Are you sure you want to remove authorization?'; photo_str_confirm_leave = 'Changes are not saved. Are you sure you want to leave?'; photo_str_confirm_logout = 'Are you sure you want to sign out?'; photo_str_confirm_usr_pass = 'Failed to confirm password.'; photo_str_confirmpassword = 'Confirm Password'; photo_str_continue = 'Are you sure you want to continue?'; photo_str_coordinates = 'Coordinates'; photo_str_copy = 'Copy'; photo_str_copy_from_dsm = 'Copy from my DiskStation'; photo_str_create = 'Create'; photo_str_create_folder = 'Create folder'; photo_str_create_new_album = 'Create a new album'; photo_str_create_upload_thumbs = 'Upload original photos and thumbnails'; photo_str_creating_thumbnail = 'Creating thumbnail...'; photo_str_customize = 'Customize'; photo_str_data_reindexing = 'Indexing media files...'; photo_str_def_album_public = 'Set new folders as public albums'; photo_str_def_time_scale = 'Set Timeline scale by'; photo_str_default_smart_album = 'Default Smart Albums'; photo_str_default_thumbnail_order = 'Default Thumbnail Order'; photo_str_default_thumbnail_size = 'Default thumbnail size'; photo_str_del_success = 'User was successfully deleted.'; photo_str_delete = 'Delete'; photo_str_delete_album = 'Delete Album'; photo_str_delete_all_person_label = 'Remove all people tags'; photo_str_delete_category = 'Delete Category'; photo_str_delete_category_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete this category?'; photo_str_delete_current_album = 'Delete this album'; photo_str_delete_current_album_confirm = 'All files in the current album will be permanently removed. Are you sure you want to continue?'; photo_str_delete_smart_album = 'Delete Smart Album'; photo_str_delete_smart_album_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete this smart album?'; photo_str_delete_token = 'Remove authorization'; photo_str_deleteuser = 'Delete'; photo_str_desc_personal_service = 'Enable Personal Photo Station service to allow DiskStation users to have their own Photo Station. When it is enabled, users can click the figure icon at the top-right corner of DSM desktop, and then go to "Options" > "Photo Station" to enable or disable their Personal Photo Station.'; photo_str_description = 'Description'; photo_str_detail_display_mode = 'Detail mode'; photo_str_diable_guest_fb_upload = 'Allow guests to upload photos to Facebook, Twitter, and Picasa'; photo_str_dir_info = 'Album Information'; photo_str_dir_name = 'Album Name'; photo_str_dir_total_pic = 'Total Pictures'; photo_str_dir_total_sub_dir = 'Total Sub-albums'; photo_str_dir_total_video = 'Total Videos'; photo_str_disable_inst = 'Disable this account'; photo_str_disable_right_button = 'Disable the right-click button'; photo_str_disk_full = 'There Is No Available Disk Space to Create Thumbnails'; photo_str_display_all = 'Display all'; photo_str_display_note = 'You have photos under the "photo" shared folder. {%1} is designed to display photo Albums organized in folders. Please re-arrange your photos into folders.'; photo_str_display_page = 'Display pages'; photo_str_display_setting = 'Display Settings'; photo_str_doing_face_recognition_msg = 'Finding people suggestions...'; photo_str_download_all_items = 'Download all'; photo_str_drag_drop_module = 'Drag and drop modules to decide the layout.'; photo_str_ds_copy_window_title = 'Select Files'; photo_str_edit = 'Edit'; photo_str_edit_empty_text_location_tag = 'Where were these taken?'; photo_str_edit_empty_text_people_tag = 'Type a name here'; photo_str_edit_multiple_description = 'Multiple descriptions...'; photo_str_edit_multiple_location_tag = 'Multiple location tags...'; photo_str_edit_multiple_title = 'Multiple titles...'; photo_str_edit_overwrite_original_gps = 'Overwrite the original GPS metadata'; photo_str_editor = 'Editor'; photo_str_email_comment_body1 = 'Hello'; photo_str_email_comment_body2 = 'A visitor has left a comment for you.'; photo_str_email_comment_subject = 'You\'ve got a comment!'; photo_str_empty_dir = 'No Pictures in This Album'; photo_str_empty_text_about_me = 'Click {0} to tell people about yourself :)'; photo_str_empty_text_album = 'Click {0} to create your first album.'; photo_str_empty_text_category = 'Click {0} to pin albums here.'; photo_str_empty_text_in_smart_album = 'No photos or videos match your search criteria. Click {0} to modify the search criteria.'; photo_str_empty_text_smart_album = 'Click {0} to create a smart album which automatically groups photos and videos that match specific criteria.'; photo_str_enable_auto_face_recognition = 'Perform auto face recognition for new photos'; photo_str_enable_blog = 'Enable the blog function'; photo_str_enable_personal_photo = 'Enable Personal Photo Station service'; photo_str_enable_timeline = 'Enable Timeline function'; photo_str_err_dbquery = 'Database error occurred.'; photo_str_err_dup_username = 'Username already exist'; photo_str_err_exceed_max_char = 'Description allows up to 1000 characters'; photo_str_err_nouser = 'No user was specified.'; photo_str_err_nousername = 'No username was entered.'; photo_str_error_cover = 'Failed to set the subfolder cover.'; photo_str_error_demo = 'This function is not available in the demo mode.'; photo_str_error_dir = 'Cannot Find the Specified Album (Note: This Album May Be Deleted or Removed)'; photo_str_error_free_space = 'The available disk space of this system is insufficient.'; photo_str_error_load_data = 'Failed to load data.'; photo_str_error_long_path = 'File/folder name should be within 255 characters.'; photo_str_error_save_data = 'Failed to save changes.'; photo_str_error_unknown_desc = 'The system failed to perform the requested operation, there is an unknown error.'; photo_str_experimental = 'Experimental'; photo_str_external_dns_or_ip = 'Hostname or static IP'; photo_str_external_port_desc = 'Enter the router port number here to allow photos you shared to social networks or Internet services to be accessible.'; photo_str_external_port_setting = 'Router Port'; photo_str_extlang_afterdate = 'The date in this field must be {0} or later'; photo_str_extlang_beforedate = 'The date in this field must be {0} or earlier'; photo_str_face_recognition = 'Face recognition'; photo_str_face_recognition_delete_old_confirm = 'Do you want to delete all existing people tags?'; photo_str_failed = 'Failed to Complete'; photo_str_fb_account_change = 'Your have changed your Facebook account for authorization since last sync. Do you want to sync with the new account?'; photo_str_fb_album_miss_resync = 'The album has been deleted on Facebook since last sync. Do you want to sync this album again?'; photo_str_fb_allow_regular_sync = 'Sync with Facebook regularly'; photo_str_fb_auth_desc = 'Obtain Facebook authorization to sync Photo Station albums to your Facebook account.'; photo_str_fb_sync_amount_exceed = 'Some photos will not be synced because the maximum number of photos allowed for the Facebook album has been reached.'; photo_str_fb_sync_rightnow = 'Sync with Facebook now'; photo_str_fb_synced_album = 'Albums synced with Facebook'; photo_str_fb_token_invalid = 'Failed to authorize your Facebook account. Go to "Settings" > "Photos" to check your authorization status.'; photo_str_fb_upload_amount_exceed = 'Some photos will not be uploaded because the maximum number of photos allowed for the Facebook album has been reached.'; photo_str_fb_upload_running = 'Another user is uploading or syncing to Facebook right now. Please try again later.'; photo_str_fieldminlen = 'The minimum length for this field is {0}.'; photo_str_file_error_format = 'Incorrect file format.'; photo_str_file_size = 'Size'; photo_str_filter_nonconfirm_data = 'Display confirmed people tags only'; photo_str_first_page = 'First'; photo_str_folder_name = 'Folder Name'; photo_str_folders_sort_by = 'Sort folders by'; photo_str_friend_link_title = 'Friends'; photo_str_general_label = 'Descriptive Tag'; photo_str_general_tag = 'General Tag'; photo_str_get_shareable_link = 'Get photo link'; photo_str_google_ad_desc = 'Paste the Google AdSense code here to display your Google ads.'; photo_str_google_ad_title = 'Google AdSense'; photo_str_gps_no_set_remind = 'Please right-click on the map to set GPS coordinates.'; photo_str_grant_album = 'Accessible Albums'; photo_str_grantuser = 'Users with Access Rights'; photo_str_group = 'Groups'; photo_str_group_desc = 'Group description'; photo_str_group_disable = 'Disable this group'; photo_str_group_edit_member = 'Edit Members'; photo_str_group_join = 'Join Group'; photo_str_group_list = 'Group List'; photo_str_group_name = 'Group name'; photo_str_header_private = 'Private'; photo_str_header_public = 'Public'; photo_str_help = 'Help'; photo_str_hide = 'Hide'; photo_str_hide_album_hit = 'Hide album hit counts'; photo_str_hide_icon = 'Hide Photo Station from DSM Main Menu'; photo_str_hide_rss_feed = 'Hide RSS feed icon'; photo_str_hide_search = 'Hide search function'; photo_str_hits = 'Hits'; photo_str_home = 'Home'; photo_str_home_photo = 'Photos'; photo_str_html5_upload_drop_zone = 'Drop files here'; photo_str_html5_upload_text_fail = 'Failed to upload {0} files'; photo_str_html5_upload_text_success = 'Upload {0} files successfully'; photo_str_html5_upload_text_uploading = 'Uploading {0} of {1} files'; photo_str_image_aperature = 'Aperture'; photo_str_image_camera = 'Camera'; photo_str_image_date = 'Image Date'; photo_str_image_exposure = 'Exposure'; photo_str_image_information = 'Image Information'; photo_str_image_iso = 'ISO'; photo_str_image_model = 'Camera Model'; photo_str_image_name = 'Image Title'; photo_str_image_resolution = 'Resolution'; photo_str_image_size = 'Image Size'; photo_str_image_type = 'Image Type'; photo_str_impressum = 'About'; photo_str_impressum_desc = 'Enter a link title and address for an external website containing content such as a privacy policy, legal notice, or website information. This link will appear on the home page of Photo Station.'; photo_str_impressum_link = 'Web address'; photo_str_impressum_text = 'Link title'; photo_str_index_alt = 'Back to Index'; photo_str_indicator_checking = 'Checking...'; photo_str_indicator_complete = 'Completed:'; photo_str_indicator_msg = 'We Found New Pictures in This Album

Now Creating Thumbnails'; photo_str_indicator_total = 'Total:'; photo_str_information = 'Description'; photo_str_init = 'Initiating...'; photo_str_install_piclens = 'Click here to install Cooliris add-on.'; photo_str_invalid_username = 'Username is invalid or it contains invalid characters.'; photo_str_items = 'item(s)'; photo_str_items_sort_by = 'Sort items by'; photo_str_join = 'Join'; photo_str_label_cloud_title = 'Labels'; photo_str_label_duplicate = 'This tag already exists. Please enter another one.'; photo_str_label_invalid_general_label = 'Descriptive tags cannot be blank or include commas.'; photo_str_label_manage = 'Tag'; photo_str_last_page = 'Last'; photo_str_last_sync_time = 'Last sync time'; photo_str_layout = 'Layout'; photo_str_layout_2_left = '2 columns (left)'; photo_str_layout_2_right = '2 columns (right)'; photo_str_layout_basic = 'Basic'; photo_str_layout_default = 'Default'; photo_str_layout_imageflow = 'Image Flow'; photo_str_layout_square = 'Photo wall'; photo_str_list_search = 'Search Result of {1}'; photo_str_load_aviary_fail = 'Failed to load Aviary. Please connect your DiskStation to the Internet and try again.'; photo_str_load_google_map_fail = 'Failed to load Google Maps. Please connect your DiskStation to the Internet and try again.'; photo_str_loading = 'Loading...'; photo_str_location_tag = 'Location Tag'; photo_str_lock_info = 'Forbid user to change account information'; photo_str_log = 'Log'; photo_str_log_date_time = 'Time'; photo_str_log_del_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to clear the log?'; photo_str_log_del_success = 'Log was successfully deleted.'; photo_str_log_event = 'Action / Event'; photo_str_log_type = 'Type'; photo_str_log_user = 'User'; photo_str_logging = 'Logging in. Please wait...'; photo_str_login_account_disable = 'Your account has been disabled. Please contact the administrator.'; photo_str_login_desc = 'Enter your username and password to sign in.'; photo_str_login_error = 'Username or password is invalid. Please try again.'; photo_str_login_inst_no_public = 'There are no public photo albums available. Please {%1} to see private albums.'; photo_str_login_inst_not_found = 'There are no photo albums available.'; photo_str_login_passwd = 'Password'; photo_str_man_account_title = 'User Accounts'; photo_str_man_album_access = 'Assign Privileges'; photo_str_man_album_add = 'New album'; photo_str_man_album_existed = 'Album already exists.'; photo_str_man_album_move = 'Move'; photo_str_man_album_num = 'Albums per page'; photo_str_man_album_order_sharename = 'Sort by folder name'; photo_str_man_album_setting = 'Album Setting'; photo_str_man_basic_setting = 'Basic Settings'; photo_str_man_choose_group = 'Please select a group first.'; photo_str_man_choose_location = 'Destination'; photo_str_man_choose_location_first = 'Please select a destination folder before continuing.'; photo_str_man_choose_photo = 'Please choose at least one album or photo.'; photo_str_man_choose_user = 'Please select a user account first.'; photo_str_man_common_account_dsm = 'DSM accounts'; photo_str_man_common_account_indenpendent = 'Photo Station accounts'; photo_str_man_common_account_system = 'Account system'; photo_str_man_common_lang = 'Language'; photo_str_man_common_lang_auto = 'Browser default'; photo_str_man_common_lang_desc = 'Display language'; photo_str_man_common_lang_dsm = 'Same as DiskStation Manager'; photo_str_man_delete_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete {@} item(s)?'; photo_str_man_delete_one_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?'; photo_str_man_display_virtual_album = 'Virtual Album'; photo_str_man_done = 'Done'; photo_str_man_enter_new_album = 'Enter new album after creation'; photo_str_man_general_title = 'General'; photo_str_man_group_title = 'Group Information'; photo_str_man_help_category = 'Category'; photo_str_man_help_overview = 'Overview'; photo_str_man_manage = 'Manage'; photo_str_man_page_title = 'Photo page title'; photo_str_man_style = 'Style'; photo_str_man_user_title = 'User Information'; photo_str_manage = 'Management'; photo_str_management = 'Settings'; photo_str_map = 'Map'; photo_str_message = 'Description:'; photo_str_meta_desc = 'Photo Station is an online photo album integrated with a blog for you to easily share photos, videos, and blog over the Internet. Moreover, you can also browse photos and watch videos saved on your DiskStation with your iPhone, iPad and Android mobiles on the go.'; photo_str_meta_keyword = 'photo,video,blog,album'; photo_str_module_noconfig = 'This module is not available for setup.'; photo_str_module_setting = 'Module Settings'; photo_str_modules = 'Modules'; photo_str_more = 'More'; photo_str_my_acct = 'My Account'; photo_str_my_image = 'My Images'; photo_str_name = 'Description:'; photo_str_newest = 'Latest'; photo_str_newgroup = 'Create Group'; photo_str_newuser = 'Create User'; photo_str_next = 'Next'; photo_str_next_page = 'Next'; photo_str_no_category = '(No categories)'; photo_str_no_external_ip = 'Failed to launch the service because your DiskStation has not retrieved an external IP address. Please log in to DSM and go to "Main Menu" > "Control Panel" > "DSM Settings" > "Router Port" to specify a hostname or external IP address.'; photo_str_no_gps = 'No GPS data in the album'; photo_str_no_item = 'This is an empty folder.'; photo_str_no_label = 'No Label'; photo_str_no_password = 'Your password is blank.'; photo_str_no_photo = 'No photos available.'; photo_str_no_photo_plz_add = 'No photos available. Please go to the "Photos" page to add photos.'; photo_str_no_photo_plz_login = 'No public photos available. Please {%1} to browse priviate photos.'; photo_str_no_public_album = 'No public albums'; photo_str_no_search_result = 'No match found.'; photo_str_no_subdir = 'No Subfolder in This Album'; photo_str_no_username = 'No user name was entered.'; photo_str_non_confirm_album = 'To-be-confirmed Album'; photo_str_non_grouped_items = 'Uncategorized'; photo_str_not_set = 'Not Set'; photo_str_num_items_dragged = 'Pin {0} albums here'; photo_str_num_items_selected = 'Selected {0} item(s).'; photo_str_num_of_items = 'number of items (no greater than 250)'; photo_str_only_one_tag_a_time = 'You can edit only one tag at a time.'; photo_str_only_public_albums = 'public albums only'; photo_str_only_upload_original_file = 'Upload original photos only'; photo_str_open_error = 'Failed to open the file.'; photo_str_order_arrange = 'Organize'; photo_str_other_setting = 'Other Settings'; photo_str_pagetitle = 'Page:'; photo_str_password_error = 'The password is invalid. Please try again.'; photo_str_password_protected = 'Password Locked'; photo_str_permanent_link = 'Link'; photo_str_permission_type = 'Permission Type'; photo_str_person_label = 'People Tag'; photo_str_person_label_remind = 'You may create people tags by dragging on photos anytime you want.'; photo_str_personal_information_title = 'About Me'; photo_str_personal_photo = 'Personal Photo Station'; photo_str_photo = 'Photos'; photo_str_photo_slide_interval = 'Interval'; photo_str_photo_slide_title = 'Slideshow'; photo_str_photoalbum = 'Photo Album'; photo_str_photoalbum_access_permission = 'Access Permission'; photo_str_photoalbum_blog_slide_album_to_nonpublic = 'This photo album is played as slideshow in the blog. It will no longer be displayed if you untick this option. Are you sure you want to continue?'; photo_str_photoalbum_comment = 'Allow user comments'; photo_str_photoalbum_desc = 'Description'; photo_str_photoalbum_info = 'Information'; photo_str_photoalbum_orig = 'Allow users to view full size photo.'; photo_str_photoalbum_other_setting = 'Setting'; photo_str_photoalbum_public = 'Set as public'; photo_str_photoalbum_public2 = 'Public Album'; photo_str_photoalbum_title = 'Title'; photo_str_photowall_display_mode = 'Photo wall'; photo_str_picasa_auth_allow_btn = 'Connect with Picasa'; photo_str_picasa_no_space = 'Insufficient storage quota on Picasa.'; photo_str_picasa_upload_amount_exceed = 'Some photos will not be uploaded because the maximum number of photos allowed for the Picasa album has been reached.'; photo_str_pick_rotation = 'Rotate Photo'; photo_str_piclens_surpport_use_orig = 'Allow Cooliris (media RSS) to display full size photos'; photo_str_pin_here = 'Pin Here'; photo_str_pin_to = 'Pin to'; photo_str_place_label = 'Geotag'; photo_str_plz_enable_home_first = 'Note: Before enabling Personal Photo Station service, please go to Control Panel > User > User Home to activate user home service first.'; photo_str_plz_wait = 'Please wait...'; photo_str_post_blog = 'Blog It'; photo_str_prev_page = 'Previous'; photo_str_preview_first = 'You are at the first image.'; photo_str_preview_last = 'You are at the last image.'; photo_str_previous = 'Previous'; photo_str_private = 'Private Album'; photo_str_privilege_browse = 'Browse'; photo_str_privilege_group_privilege = 'Group'; photo_str_privilege_manage = 'Manage'; photo_str_privilege_upload = 'Upload'; photo_str_privilege_user_privilege = 'User'; photo_str_processing = 'Processing'; photo_str_public_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to update the privacy?'; photo_str_publish_new = 'New post'; photo_str_qq_auth_allow_btn = 'Connect with Qzone'; photo_str_recent_article_num = 'Number of recent posts to display'; photo_str_recent_article_title = 'Recent Posts'; photo_str_recent_comment_num = 'Number of recent comments to display'; photo_str_recent_comment_title = 'Recent Comments'; photo_str_recent_commented_photo = 'Recently commented photos'; photo_str_recent_commented_video = 'Recently commented videos'; photo_str_recent_photo = 'Recent photos'; photo_str_recent_video = 'Recent videos'; photo_str_recommend_banner_width = 'Recommended image width'; photo_str_refresh = 'Refresh'; photo_str_reindex = 'Re-index'; photo_str_remember_login = 'Remember me'; photo_str_restore = 'Restore blog data'; photo_str_restore_desc = 'Restore blog posts, comments, labels, and module settings from a backup file. The process will merge the current data with the backup file. If there is any data conflict, you would like to:'; photo_str_rotate = 'Rotate'; photo_str_rotate_180 = 'Rotate 180°'; photo_str_rotate_270 = 'Rotate -90°'; photo_str_rotate_90 = 'Rotate +90°'; photo_str_rotate_msg = 'Rotate Image May Take Few Minutes, Please Wait'; photo_str_rotating_msg = 'Now System is Rotating Image, Please Wait...'; photo_str_save_chg_before_reload = 'Save changes before reloading data?'; photo_str_save_err = 'Failed to save the image to your DiskStation. Please download it directly via the following URL: {0}.'; photo_str_save_image = 'The new image "{0}" is saved.'; photo_str_saving = 'Saving...'; photo_str_search = 'Search'; photo_str_search_advanced = 'Advanced Search'; photo_str_search_and = 'Match all conditions'; photo_str_search_back = 'Back to search result'; photo_str_search_condition = 'Search conditions'; photo_str_search_date_from = 'From'; photo_str_search_date_taken = 'Date photos taken (mm/dd/yy)'; photo_str_search_date_to = 'To'; photo_str_search_in_n_days = 'in {@} days'; photo_str_search_key_error = 'Search entry cannot contain + " \' and space.'; photo_str_search_name = 'Album or file name'; photo_str_search_no_condition = 'Please enter search conditions.'; photo_str_search_no_entries = 'No entries.'; photo_str_search_or = 'Match any condition'; photo_str_search_result = 'Search Result'; photo_str_search_result_album = 'Album'; photo_str_search_result_sub_album = 'Sub-album'; photo_str_search_result_type = 'Type'; photo_str_search_result_video = 'Video'; photo_str_search_title = 'Search'; photo_str_search_type = 'Search type'; photo_str_searching = 'Searching...'; photo_str_select_all = 'Select all'; photo_str_select_backup_file = 'Select a backup file'; photo_str_select_item_to_download = 'Select items to download'; photo_str_select_module = 'Please select a module'; photo_str_select_page_all = 'Select all on this page'; photo_str_select_photo_in_ps = 'Select a photo from Photo Station'; photo_str_select_video_in_ps = 'Select a video from Photo Station'; photo_str_service_busy = 'Photo Station service is busy now. Please try again later.'; photo_str_service_disabled = 'The service is disabled now.'; photo_str_set_album_cover = 'Set album cover'; photo_str_set_as_home = 'Set as home page'; photo_str_set_coordinates = 'Set Coordinates'; photo_str_set_def_coordinates = 'Set as default location'; photo_str_set_gps = 'Geotag'; photo_str_setcover = 'Set as Album Cover'; photo_str_setcover_done = 'Successfully set album cover.'; photo_str_setting_no_change = 'No settings were changed.'; photo_str_sharable_link_desc = 'You can paste the link to your email or instant message.'; photo_str_share = 'Share'; photo_str_share_link = 'Link to'; photo_str_share_link_fb = 'Facebook'; photo_str_share_link_google_plus = 'Google+'; photo_str_share_link_menu = 'Share link'; photo_str_share_link_plurk = 'Plurk'; photo_str_share_link_qq = 'Qzone'; photo_str_share_link_twitter = 'Twitter'; photo_str_share_link_weibo = 'Sina Weibo'; photo_str_share_not_found = 'The "photo" shared folder is not found.'; photo_str_share_to = 'Share this via'; photo_str_share_upload_orig = 'Upload original photos to social networking websites'; photo_str_show = 'Show'; photo_str_show_album_hit = 'Display album hit counts'; photo_str_show_share = 'Allow users to share photos, links, and blog articles on social networking websites'; photo_str_show_timeline_by = 'Show items on Timeline by'; photo_str_simple_display_mode = 'Simple mode'; photo_str_size_limit = 'Size must be in between {0}'; photo_str_slideshow = 'Slideshow'; photo_str_slideshow_close_page = 'Close the window'; photo_str_slideshow_interval = 'Slide Interval:'; photo_str_slideshow_next_five = 'Next 5'; photo_str_slideshow_pause = 'Pause'; photo_str_slideshow_play = 'Play'; photo_str_slideshow_prev_five = 'Previous 5'; photo_str_slideshow_speed_fast = 'Fast'; photo_str_slideshow_speed_medium = 'Medium'; photo_str_slideshow_speed_slow = 'Slow'; photo_str_smart_album_create_failed = 'Failed to create the smart album.'; photo_str_smart_album_days = 'days'; photo_str_smart_album_error_no_condition = 'You must set at least one search criterion.'; photo_str_smart_album_error_no_type = 'You must select at least one file type.'; photo_str_smart_album_exist = 'The smart album already exists'; photo_str_smart_album_field_keyword = 'Keyword'; photo_str_smart_album_field_name = 'Album Name'; photo_str_smart_album_field_type = 'File Type'; photo_str_smart_album_instruction = 'Create a smart album which automatically groups photos and videos that match specific criteria.'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_date_recently_comment = 'Newest commented items'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_date_recently_upload = 'Newest items uploaded'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_date_taken = 'Date taken'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_date_upload = 'Date uploaded'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_desc_all = 'All of these descriptions'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_desc_any = 'Any of these descriptions'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_geo_all = 'All of these places'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_geo_any = 'Any of these places'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_keyword_all = 'All of these words'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_keyword_any = 'Any of these words'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_keyword_exact = 'The exact phrase'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_people_all = 'All of these people'; photo_str_smart_album_operator_people_any = 'Any of these people'; photo_str_smart_album_title_create = 'New smart album'; photo_str_smart_album_title_edit = 'Modify search criteria'; photo_str_smart_album_title_save_as = 'Save as Smart Album'; photo_str_social_network = 'Social Network Settings'; photo_str_social_network_desc = 'Manage social networking websites to share or upload Photo Station photos.'; photo_str_social_network_enabled = 'Enabled'; photo_str_social_network_list = 'Social Network List'; photo_str_social_network_name = 'Name'; photo_str_social_network_title = 'Social Network'; photo_str_sort_by_preference = 'Sort by preference'; photo_str_sort_order = 'Sort order'; photo_str_sort_order_asc = 'Ascending'; photo_str_sort_order_desc = 'Descending'; photo_str_sort_type = 'Sort by'; photo_str_sort_type_createtime = 'Date files created'; photo_str_sort_type_filename = 'Filename'; photo_str_sort_type_shottime = 'Date photos taken'; photo_str_sortbydate = 'Sort by Date'; photo_str_sortbyname = 'Sort by Name'; photo_str_sortbysize = 'Sort by Size'; photo_str_sortbytype = 'Sort by Type'; photo_str_start = 'Start'; photo_str_statistical_data_title = 'Statistics'; photo_str_statistical_data_total_article = 'Total posts'; photo_str_statistical_data_total_comment = 'Total comments'; photo_str_statistical_data_visit_today = 'Today\'s visitors'; photo_str_statistical_data_visit_total = 'Total visitors'; photo_str_status_blocked = 'Removed on Facebook'; photo_str_status_finished = 'Finished'; photo_str_status_not_synced = 'Not synced'; photo_str_status_synced = 'Synced'; photo_str_status_syncing = 'Syncing'; photo_str_step_back = 'Back'; photo_str_step_next = 'Next'; photo_str_sticky_article_cancel = 'Cancel shown on the top'; photo_str_stopslide = 'Stop Slideshow'; photo_str_submit = 'Submit'; photo_str_success = 'Completed Successfully'; photo_str_suggest_by_google = 'Nearby Places'; photo_str_surpport_download_album = 'Allow users to download album'; photo_str_surpport_download_orig = 'Allow users to view full size photos'; photo_str_surpport_download_video = 'Allow users to download video files'; photo_str_sync_with_fb = 'Sync with Facebook'; photo_str_sync_with_fb_cancel = 'Your photos in this album will not be synced with Facebook anymore.'; photo_str_sync_with_fb_desc = 'Your photos in this album will be automatically synced with Facebook.'; photo_str_sync_with_fb_diable = 'Don\'t sync with Facebook'; photo_str_system_busy = 'The system is creating thumbnails

Please wait'; photo_str_tag_manage = 'Manage Tags'; photo_str_tags_removed = 'Tags have been removed from the selected photos.'; photo_str_taken_location = 'Current location setting'; photo_str_thumb_sort_by = 'Thumbnail sort by'; photo_str_thumbing_wait_msg = 'Creating thumbnails now. Please try again later.'; photo_str_thumbnail_per_page = 'Thumbnail per page'; photo_str_thumbnail_setting = 'Thumbnail Settings'; photo_str_time_month = 'Month'; photo_str_time_week = 'Week'; photo_str_time_year = 'Year'; photo_str_timeline = 'Timeline'; photo_str_twitter_auth_allow_btn = 'Connect with Twitter'; photo_str_unknown_takendate = 'Unknown Taken Date'; photo_str_unpin = 'Unpin'; photo_str_unselect_all = 'Deselect all'; photo_str_up_alt = 'Back to up Level'; photo_str_update_success = 'User was successfully updated.'; photo_str_update_usr_pass = 'The password you have entered contains invalid characters, please enter a new one.'; photo_str_updatebtn_public = 'Update Privacy'; photo_str_updateuser = 'Edit'; photo_str_upgrade_ie_browser = 'Please upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer browser to get the best quality.'; photo_str_upload_add_more_files = 'Add more files'; photo_str_upload_all_completed = 'All upload tasks are completed.'; photo_str_upload_cancel_confirm = 'Are you sure you want to cancel uploading?'; photo_str_upload_delete_selected_files = 'Delete selected files'; photo_str_upload_enter_folder_name = 'Please enter a folder name'; photo_str_upload_exceed_maximum_filesize = 'The size of following file(s) exceeds 2GB'; photo_str_upload_fail = 'Failed to upload file(s).'; photo_str_upload_file = 'Upload file'; photo_str_upload_file_exist = 'If the file already exists'; photo_str_upload_file_format_unsupport = 'Unsupported format.'; photo_str_upload_files = 'Upload Files'; photo_str_upload_from = 'Upload from'; photo_str_upload_from_pc = 'Upload from my computer'; photo_str_upload_init_hint = 'Click "Browse" to select files.'; photo_str_upload_invalid_folder_name = 'File/folder name cannot start with "." or contain "\\ / : * ? < > |". Please enter another name.'; photo_str_upload_max_num = 'You may only upload up to {0} files at a time.'; photo_str_upload_num_error_files = 'Cannot upload {0} files because the file types are unsupported.'; photo_str_upload_option = 'Options'; photo_str_upload_other_upload = 'Or upload from'; photo_str_upload_overwrite = 'Overwrite'; photo_str_upload_select_one = 'Please select at least one entry.'; photo_str_upload_size_error = 'File size exceeds the 2GB limit.'; photo_str_upload_skip = 'Skip'; photo_str_upload_skip_file = 'Skip existing files.'; photo_str_upload_source_computer = 'Your computer'; photo_str_upload_source_ds = 'Your DiskStation'; photo_str_upload_status_and_progress = 'Status'; photo_str_upload_success = 'Success'; photo_str_upload_to = 'Upload to {0}'; photo_str_upload_to_current_album = 'Upload to the current album'; photo_str_upload_to_existing_album = 'Upload to an existing album'; photo_str_upload_to_fb = 'Upload to Facebook'; photo_str_upload_to_picasa = 'Upload to Picasa'; photo_str_upload_to_qq = 'Upload to Qzone'; photo_str_upload_to_subfolder = 'Upload to:'; photo_str_upload_to_twitter = 'Upload to Twitter'; photo_str_upload_to_weibo = 'Upload to Sina Weibo'; photo_str_upload_unselect_file = 'The number of uploading files exceeds the maximum. The last file is unselected.'; photo_str_upload_wait_and_reload = 'Please wait for system indexing media metadata and creating thumbnails or flash videos. Please refresh this page after a moment.'; photo_str_upload_zerobyte_filesize = 'The following files will not be uploaded because the file size is either 0 KB or over 2 GB, or unknown error occurs when the files are added to the upload list.'; photo_str_uploading = 'Uploading'; photo_str_use_location_tag_gps = 'Use GPS coordinates obtained by location search'; photo_str_user_disabled = 'Disabled'; photo_str_user_enabled = 'Enabled'; photo_str_user_lock_pass = 'Cannot change info'; photo_str_user_lock_pass_msg = 'You are not authorized to modify this account.'; photo_str_user_set_admin = 'Set as administrator'; photo_str_useraccount = 'User'; photo_str_useracct_removed = 'Your account has been deleted.'; photo_str_userlistID = 'ID'; photo_str_userlistIDAction = 'Action'; photo_str_userlistName = 'Description'; photo_str_userlistStatus = 'Status'; photo_str_userlistUserName = 'Username'; photo_str_usr_update_success = 'Your information was successfully updated.'; photo_str_video_abitrate = 'Audio bitrate'; photo_str_video_audio_bitrate = 'Audio bitrate'; photo_str_video_audio_codec = 'Audio codec'; photo_str_video_channel = 'Channels'; photo_str_video_container = 'Container'; photo_str_video_duration = 'Duration'; photo_str_video_frame_bitrate = 'Frame rate'; photo_str_video_frequency = 'Audio sample rate'; photo_str_video_information = 'Video Information'; photo_str_video_preview_first = 'This is the first video clip.'; photo_str_video_preview_last = 'This is the last video clip.'; photo_str_video_qty_flv = 'Flash'; photo_str_video_qty_high = 'High'; photo_str_video_qty_iphone = 'iPhone'; photo_str_video_qty_low = 'Low'; photo_str_video_qty_mobile = 'Mobile'; photo_str_video_qty_normal = 'Medium'; photo_str_video_qty_original = 'Original'; photo_str_video_quality = 'Video quality'; photo_str_video_resolution = 'Resolution'; photo_str_video_size = 'Video size'; photo_str_video_swf_url = 'Flash URL'; photo_str_video_title = 'Video Title'; photo_str_video_vbitrate = 'Video bitrate'; photo_str_video_video_bitrate = 'Video bitrate'; photo_str_video_video_codec = 'Video codec'; photo_str_view_all = 'View all'; photo_str_virtual_general_label = 'Descriptive tag'; photo_str_virtual_person_label = 'People tag'; photo_str_virtual_place_label = 'Geotag'; photo_str_visibility = 'Visibility'; photo_str_weibo_auth_allow_btn = 'Connect with Sina Weibo'; photo_str_welcome = 'Welcome'; photo_str_you_are_here = 'You Are Here:'; photo_theme_apply_success = 'Settings applied.'; photo_theme_back_blog = 'Back to Blog'; photo_theme_back_photo = 'Back to Photos'; photo_theme_back_setting = 'Back to Settings'; photo_theme_bkg_color = 'Background Color'; photo_theme_bkg_img = 'Background Image'; photo_theme_btnTheme = 'Theme'; photo_theme_custom_css = 'CSS Customization'; photo_theme_font_color = 'Font Color'; photo_theme_from_computer = 'Upload from My Computer'; photo_theme_from_photo = 'Copy from Photo Station'; photo_theme_img = 'My Image'; photo_theme_layout = 'Layout'; photo_theme_leave_confirm = 'Changes are not saved. Are you sure you want to leave?'; photo_theme_logo_img = 'Logo Image'; photo_theme_logo_use_custom = 'Use my image'; photo_theme_logo_use_default = 'Use default image'; photo_theme_logo_use_hide = 'Hide logo image'; photo_theme_make_default = 'Reset to default settings'; photo_theme_nothing_change = 'No settings were changed.'; photo_theme_pattern = 'Pattern'; photo_theme_server_error = 'Unknown error occurs. Please try again later.'; photo_theme_template = 'Template'; photo_upload_select_max = 'You can select at most _MAXNO_ files per upload.'; photo_username = 'Username'; photo_wordpress_ifps_name = 'Insert image from Photo Station'; photo_wordpress_ifps_need_higher_version = 'Insert From Photo Station: This plug-in requires version %s or later.'; photo_wordpress_ifps_need_photostation = 'Insert From Photo Station: This plug-in must be used with Photo Station.'; photo_wordpress_ls_desc = 'Select display language'; photo_wordpress_ls_name = 'Language'; photo_wordpress_ls_need_higher_version = 'Language Selector: This plugin requires version %s or later.'; plz_enter_reading_passwd = 'Enter the access key:'; search_result = 'Search Result'; sticky_article_set = 'Show on the top'; theme_background = 'Background';